Who we are

About Jess Belsaco

Jess is an alum of Yeshivat Hadar, the Dorot Fellowship in Israel, and the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. She has taught in a number of settings, including as a Hollander Social Justice Fellow and a week-long course instructor at the National Havurah Institute. She is passionate about bringing a disability voice to spirituality and Torah, and about creating space for honest and nuanced conversations about the disability experience.

About Ruti Regan

Ruti is a fourth-year rabbinical student at JTS. She is rabbinic intern at Matan. She writes realsocialskills.org, a blog dedicated to Hillel’s mandate to go and learn how to avoid doing hateful things to ourselves and others. She moderates the weekly #parshachat on Twitter.

Prior to JTS, Ruti studied at Drisha and the Conservative Yeshiva. Her interests include liturgy, lightbulb jokes, and respectful Torah.